Round Shape Luwes Recessed LED Spotlight PBT
  • Round Shape Luwes Recessed LED Spotlight PBTRound Shape Luwes Recessed LED Spotlight PBT
  • Round Shape Luwes Recessed LED Spotlight PBTRound Shape Luwes Recessed LED Spotlight PBT
  • Round Shape Luwes Recessed LED Spotlight PBTRound Shape Luwes Recessed LED Spotlight PBT

Round Shape Luwes Recessed LED Spotlight PBT

PBT Lampu Sorot LED Recessed Bentuk Bulat: 1. Wangun bunder cocok kanggo kamar turu, koridor, bale, pawon, loteng, jedhing, lan panggonan liyane. 2. Lampu sorot sing bisa diatur menehi keluwesan sing luwih gedhe nalika nerangake cahya ing papan utawa wilayah tartamtu, ngidini sampeyan ngarahake cahya menyang papan sing dibutuhake. 3. Sorotan recessed, gampang kanggo nginstal lan gampang kanggo njaga. 4. materi omah sorotan iki digawe saka PBT, kang biaya-efektif, ngalangi, lan awet. 5. Ngadopsi Kripik LED 2835 sing berkualitas tinggi, cahya luwih seragam lan luwih akeh, amba sinar cahya 38 derajat, lan sawetara cahya 3-9㎡, nggawe atmosfer seger lan modern kanggo omah lan ruang tamu.

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Round Shape Luwes Recessed LED Spotlight PBT

Hot Tags: PBT Lampu Sorot LED Recessed Bentuk Bulat, China, Produsen, Grosir, Pemasok, Disesuaikan, Pabrik, Rega, Fashion, Paling Anyar, Awet, Adol Paling Anyar

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